Thank you.


Our first ever Hamilton Craft Market was everything I hoped it would be. 

The work organising and planning, the labour to transform our working studios into a market space, the marketing effort behind getting people out to the show, connecting with community members and artists to make sure Hamilton showed up for our artists - it was immense. It was intense. It was more than we anticipated. But I can confidently tell you that each of us that put our shoulder to the wheel, that collectively pushed this project up that hill - all we feel now is gratitude.  

Thank you to the artists that joined us, that trusted us to host a solid show for them. You’re all amazing and talented and I’m so proud of you all and appreciative of how you showed up for us. 

Thank you to the members of HCS who gave up the space for the past few days while we reset everything that wasn’t bolted down. 

Thank you to the members, co-op students and volunteers who gave so much of their time to make the Hamilton Craft Market a success. 

Thank you to our team: Jake, Joe, David, Matt for installing all the fixtures and walls, hauling tables out, moving a million things. For being generous with their time and skills to make this happen.

Thank you to our Emerging Artists: Zoë, Pippa, Sarah, Daemon, and Joel for building plinths, spreading the word, helping us organise and plan and prep. For participating as vendors, volunteers and support systems throughout the planning and the actual event. 

Thank you to Alex and Josh for all your support and time this past week but especially during the event. 

Thank you to everyone that donated items for our Silent Auction and Raffle Giveaway!

Thank you to our fundraising sponsor: LiUNA Local 837

And most importantly: Thank you Hamilton. 

Thank you for showing up. For always being there for artists and makers and for shopping and supporting in tangible ways to make this event such a success. Whether you bought a ticket to the friday night event, shopped with our artists, shared our posters - any of it - all of it - was seen, is appreciated and will not be forgotten.

We love you.
We love HCS.
We’re so proud to be here.

